Monday, July 14, 2003


I was downstairs a few minutes ago packing my lunch, like I always do for work the next day. And having a great time doing cause my dad bought groceries today. I go for my fresh seedless grapes YUM! and start to pull them off the vine and they are solidly attached to the vine. And not only that the vine is like super huge, AND there are like 100 huge grapes on this small vine. Being the scientific type i just had to know more. So took a big bite out of one and it had like a huge thick skin. and they are just plain green seedless grapes. So like now by trying to be healthy and eat a damn grape very once in a while, i'm probably just going to die from some crazy grape growing cancer causing chemical (WOW, alliteration).

Anyways Brian is making me an awesome page excactly to my specifations. Its gonna be cool. And you can read much more exciting news such as my giganto grapes.



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