Tuesday, August 23, 2005

so i beleive that i am heading to halifax this weekend, i hope to have some interviews set up of my intern program. i cant beleive that i could be over there in a little more than a month. however i will be missing the olimpics this weekend, and i could almost cry about it. Im going to have to get use to missing things like that around here cause i will be over across for 5 months. I CANT WAIT!!!

so i had myself a action packed weekend, this summer is turning out to be one of the best iv ever had. i went deep sea fishing with school last night and it rocked. i caught 12 fish! and my buddy chris was the captin so he threw fish at me the intire time and every joke was about me. but it was super duber fun. Holland College Rocks for putting on events like that.

one thing that i am not so proud of is upseting a friend. and i am sorry. but i think that we both needed to get that out of us. things will work them selves out.

i have another busy week this week between work and school i beleive that i might be able to scheadule a fart in sometime on thursday afternoon.

anyways thats all for now.

care out


At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, i'm a fart, schedule me in! haha. Funny we'll both be in Halifax this weekend but in different spots. Hope everything goes well.


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