Wednesday, November 07, 2001

im mad
this stupid site is pissin me off i cant get rid of the stupid flames and i have NO idea what im doing
and it looks like i am going to get stuck at home AGAIN
im slowly driveing myself crazy some one fucking call me i need contact with the out side world
ahhh ahhha haaahahhahahhahh!!! actually i did go out today. with my crazy mom and grandmother and my rich uncle gave me 60 bucks yea but i spend 40 of it on deoderent and socks and shit like that
i am stoked about this weekend and i just got msn which is cool. this weather sucks
and holly doesn't want to do any thing with me. im such a loser. i wish i was cool and people wanted to spend like with me. but lets just say for my sake its because i live in the contry and have no care but i have a working phone


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