Thursday, December 12, 2002

My Last Exam is on Friday. And after that everything is going to rock. For Example:
1) Dec 13, Last Exam, No school till SEPTEMBER
2) Dec 19, Brian Comes Home
3) Dec 25, Xmas
4) Dec 31 New Years Parties
5) Jan 19 Sherri's 19th Birthday
6) Jan 26 MY 19th BIRTHDAY
7) Feb Something,- Move to Ontairo
8) April 4th - To Maui for 2 weeks with Mom

Like seriously, I expect much funness in the next few months. I always wondered what it was like to not be in school. And I'm gonna finally find out. I can make some money for my trips. Drink alot and dance alot with my great drinking and dancing friends. Oh man. Plus my dad got a new friggen car. That goes fast. Anyways its nice to hear me rant about things other than boys and heartbreak. And I will let neither of those things stand in the way of my fun fun fun.

Oooooh Excitement.


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