Wednesday, January 01, 2003

hey there everyone

well another year has came and went. i had a fantastic night last night. the party was alot of fun. it was awsome that my sister was there. it would have been the best party ever if jeff, bob, and goat were there. but what ever. i miss you jeffy i hope you are ok up there. sorry we didn't call you. i went to melons last night to. and that was pretty fun. even though i had no intention on leaving the girls, they were with there guys. and i wanted to be with mine. so its all good. i some how got really drunk and i still have like more than half of my booze. yea. that willl be for this weedend. so all in all a great new years. a big thanks to mike for being soo cool and having a party. he is alot of fun i take the no fun thing back. you rock mike. anyways i am going out for a bit to eat. then me and sarah and going to summerside with mike and red.

peace out party goers


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