Hey Everyone,
I'm in Kaui right now. Its another Hawiian island. We flew here yesterday. The weather is not as nice, but we are flying back to maui on thursday so i'll hopefully have a few more days of sun there. I am at an internet cafe, and fucking hotmail won't work so i can't email anyone. That really sucks. Plus its super expensive. So far i've done a ton of swimming in the ocean, warm water, lots of coral to step on. Alot of shopping (if you've been to one store you've been to them all) i went snorkling, its unbelievable what is under there, i went to a liuau lots of hot dancing hawiian guys and half naked girls. Good fun. Ate some crazy hawiian dishes and such.
i really can't believe that hotmail doesn't work, and noone is even online to chat with. bummmmer.
I've done alot of sight seeing. The scenery is amazing. Mountains and soo maany trees and plants and flowers and stuff. In Kaui there are roosters everywhere! driving to the mall you see like 10 on the side of the road and all their babies and stuff.. I asked a shop keeper about them and apparently they are wild and are protected by the state so you can't catch them.
With all the damn roosters you think eggs would be less expensive. WE went grocery shopping yesterday and like a small block of cheese is 5 bucks. 12 eggs is 5 bucks. Everything is wildly expensive. Especially with the exchange. But i love the little side shops cause their are alot of neat little trinkets and stuff for cheap.
Anyways thats about all thats new for now. The old people (Jan George and Mom) are driving me up the wall but i guess i can stand them for the rest of the trip. They aren't always that bad.
anwyays can't wait to get home, miss everyone.
x0x0x Sarah
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