Wednesday, March 19, 2003

I'm not sure if its because i'm isolated in kingston, but I have never felt PMS like this before. I have cried numberable times, sparatically throughout the day for the last like 3 days. I just called my mom and am bawling my eyes out cause my cat is sick.

Poor Brian though, I think i've tried to beat him up like 8 times in the last 2 days. And i am seriously trying to do damage, he thinks its funny. I'm like sad one minutes and like violent the next, and EXTREMELY restless. Phew,, alright i'm ok now. It passes quickly.

Mike got me a ticket for swollen members, he is all that and a bag of peanuts. Hot nuts, like the ones at dooley's. Oh yeah.

I'm home on Monday, by the way.


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