Saturday, May 17, 2003


So everyone picture my ass. I only tell you this because I am in terrible pain. When I was in Hawii and got my orginal tan, i was wearing full seated bikini bottoms. When I went to the solarium yesterday, I had on thongs. So every other part of me dealt well with the 20 minutes of artifical sun, EXCEPT for the small cresent shaped difference between regular underwear and a thong. So last night, i'm partying, sitting, the usual. I think to myself, damn, i'm feeling a little ass pain here, maybe i'm wearing extrordinarily tight underwear or something. but no, 2 sections of my ass are bright fucking red. Ask Carolyn, I showed her. Anyways i had some trouble sitting for the remainer of the night. Does anyone have an inflatable donut i can sit on?


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