I have been finding these last coupple of weeks so overwelming, school and everything has taken a back seat to finding a job, but its sooo frustrating when the job search is not getting you anywhere.
i think that tracy and i have decided to take off... like go out west or try to find a job on a cruze boat. something that i wont have to find a apt. and can come back with enough money to pay back my uncle and pay for school next year. the thought of just chucking all my shit in storage and flying the fuck out of here sounds too good to be true, there is really no other alternative that makes more sence. So what i stay here and suffer through the winter paying full rent on a apt and working some shit job in charlottetown, i would go back to school broker than i am now.
with mike going to halifax i just as well be out west as here. moving to halifax and having to find my own place would be finicial sucuide.
i am applying to west jet and all the resorts out west and there are some places in flordia. Ha can you imagin if i get to skip winter this year. OH YEA!!!
well this idea is good
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