Sunday, December 18, 2005

sorry guys it has been a bit since i have posted

so there is lots on the go here (man i have been hanging out with too many neufs)

i had a job interview with cows the other day and it went well but it is shit money for alberta so i dont think i will take it. its funny i ran into kelly spence when i was there and so we have been hanging out a bit. imagian that ah?? but cool. she is a little guy crazy and i have 00 intrest in that shit so its a weird mix. but i have a nother interview on wendsday at the banff center so that is sweet. it is for a serving position which is awsome.

all my gals called me on friday and it was awsome. i wished soo bad that i was there but i keep thinking that i will be home in like 4 months which will fly by. i have really been misssing my sis and meliss lately i cant believe that i am missing both of their bdays booo. and sare and shers too booo. when i get home and for my awsomest birthday ever i will be celebrating their bdays tooo.

so i will hopefully have a new job soon and will start saveing some cash. tonight we are drinking cause ty the next door guy is leaving. he is a cool guy.

oh i went to this awsome shit at hoo-doo the other night with breakdancers and shit it was the cats ass. they danced like A MAD MAN. ha ha eir. miss you girl you and i would have been unreal there.

so i should go to bed i have to clean rooms tomarrow. i just got off of 4 days off.

so everyone pray that i get this new job and i miss you all verry much.

ps im sooo jelous that leah and erica and angela are in hali tonight i wish i was there with you gals.

i cant WAIT for summer in PEI...........



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