Monday, November 21, 2005

wow so i have been out here for like 3 weeks now. The time is flying. It was my unbirthday yesterday Man i cant wait for 4-20 to be home with all my girls it will be great.

I have soooooo really toooo much time to think here. I have learned about what makes me tick and the orginial reason why i am friends whith the people i am friends with. This trip has done exactly what i wanted it to, put everything into persepective, and made me appreactieate the things i took for granted. I am also already loosing some weight and eating better, as for saveing money not luck with that yet, it will come.

Thanks lily, liz, leah and Holly for the emails. I love still being in the loop.

Got to go have big meeting with important man, come on and move me from cleaning toliets.



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