Wednesday, December 05, 2001

oh-bla-de-oh-bla-da life goes on

yet again another stupid chapter of my fucked up life has unfolded. but oh well. i had to quit my stupid job at sobeys and got my old stupid job at tim hortans back. i hate my dad for doing all this to me again. and im really fucking pissed that he stole all my fucking money. and im not going to see him for a wile yet. just a note out there for anyone who is/has thought about killing themselves. think again cause it is the most selfish and stupid thing that you could ever do. but im starting to get back on track after a few days of freeking out. i got the old job back and im apt hunting like crazy. the way i figer it is that sarah and i have to get the hell away from both of our crazy fucking parents. and i cant wait, it will be hard and stuff but it should be cool. im starting full time on friday 8-4 monday till friday which is pretty cool. i wont be doing alot during the week but i dont anyway. that would actually require people to like call or something. which doesn't happen. so all ive been doing is sitting around and thinking alot, soing some writeing and freeking out. but i think the freeking out is over. thanks to the like 2 people that ive talked to in the past few days. ive got to go cause 2 of the dogs ran away like 2 hours ago and i havent looked for them. ha ha
but lewis is still here so i dont care


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