Tuesday, December 18, 2001

im home. ive been home all night. which is probly a good thing. i got some packing done, since i am oving in like 2 fucking weeks. and oh man i soaked my feet tonight and it rocked. i WAS suppose to go out with jeffy and jon and payne but there was a little confussion and it didn't quite work out. but thats ok i guess. i really wish i was out with them right now though. i love those guys and sarah jayne is there too. rrrrrrrrrrrrrr im mad. i always have such a good time out with the guys and sarah and i never have a bad time together. so im home. but i have been out every night except one since i started back and i will end out having some sorta break down if i kept it up. the wakeups are totaly helping . he he h eh ehe eh ehe ehe he eh eh eh ehe . ahhh so funny. thanks sarah. haha ha ahah ahahahh
well i just laughed my ass off here all by myself and thats sooo funny.

for the reckord im and never ever setting anyone else up for the rest of my life or at least until i get setup cause im fucking sick of me setting everyone up and then am left alone when they dich me. im not excactly sure where that came from but im pissed off about that right now. im pretty sure that i hate everyone who is going out with someone. yea yea i do. so on that note. im going to bed

ha ha ha ha
so full of hate and bitterness
and its so fucking funny

im really not that mad
i just feel like being mean

oh i think im going to the main land with stacey for X-mass or maybe hanging out with sarah all night. what ever i do im sure it will be great. even though christmass sucks. ba hum bug

oh and i miss my dad alot. but im still mad


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