Thursday, January 31, 2002

Alright, school sucks. THis is the first time school has hit me since I started. I seriously haven't done jack shit since the first of January and It is all coming back for me now. I have to rewrite my english paper. Which sucks. I finally finished my psych lab which i pulled my hair out over for a while. and new to the list is a 5 page website review for women's studies. How, HOW am i ever going to write 5 pages..FIVE...on a women's studies website. LIke holy fuck. And my english teacher said my paper was derogatory. yeah thats right. derogatory cause i called someone a grease monkey it in. I mean, they are definatly a grease monkey. I'm guessing she has no sense of humor. Anyways back to the cotton fields.


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