Thursday, January 17, 2002

Yeah, Maybe I'll start blogging full time again. Well I don't think I ever did in the first place. I think Carolyn is going to try to update at an internet cafe or something so i'll try to hold down the fort until she returns. Anyways, we DID try to go swimming yesterday and me and carolyn get to the Delta and there is no WATER in the FUCKING pool. That sucked. So we sat in the nice couches and had a smoke and looked at all the rich people. James Pate was over at Carolyn's yesterday too. What a character. Thats all I can say about James. What A Character. 9 days till my birthday. Woot. 18 is pathetic. Me and Carolyn have a "Carolyn and Sarah's Day of FUN" all planned out for the Friday before my birthday. This day includes : Getting memberships for everywhere, swimming, fancy lunch, afternoon delight, porn and much more. I can hardly contain myself. Oh yeah Its thursday and I have no school. Fantastic. Sarah


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