Friday, October 18, 2002

Alright. I don't know what i'm going to write, but now seems like a good time to write it. I'm constantly worrying about the future. Like i seriously have the next 8 months of my life planned out with dates and events. And school is like killing me. Thank god i'm taking next semester off, cause i have to decide very shortly what i'm going to do 40hrs a week for the rest of my life. And I don't know enough about myself to figure that out. And I think i'm going to make a lousey nurse. But if i'm not going to be a nurse i have to pick something else. I mean, i just wanna turn 19, have an awesome birthday, move to kingston, drink and be 19 there, go to maui, come home and drink all summerm with carolyn. And by golly thats exactly what i'm going to do.


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