Tuesday, July 22, 2003

so that toga party was shit loads of fun. thanks to everyone for such a good time. highlights of the night were judging the toga contest, goats giant spill on the beach and just the chats that i had with all the different people all night. it was a great time.

but this saturday will be also fun. i want everyone who has ever drank and partyed at my place with me and air to come. please. really everyone is welcome.

i had a great day yesterday. sarah jayne and i went for a dip in the victoria park pool and cruzed in the convertable. and mike and i had lasagana for supper. mmmm

oh and sarah and i went to my new place yesterday and it scared me. right now it is complettly gutted there is just mess everywhere and it really scared the shit out of me but im shure it will be done in time. and if not then we get to go to a hotel till its done. and thats cool.

hey baby can you beleive we are moving in 9 days. i cant wait, you make me so happy. this will be great.


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