Friday, November 04, 2005


oh man i cant beleive that it is already friday. i cant beleive that i have been gone for almost a week already. This place is soo crazy, housekeeping is like a 8hr workout. But i dont really mind it. The rooms and the view from each room is amaizing. I cleaned this huge suite today it had like 2 bathrooms and it was a bitch to clean but the whole suite was soo beautiful and it was looking over the hot springs and the bow vally falls. it was increatible. Work is pretty brudel but its not anything i cant handle or could use for that matter.

I moved into my staff com room the other day and my rommie is cool and a neuf so its right on. Thanks Sarah and Trace and my Sis for the emails guys. I do miss everyone already but i know that i will be home sooner than you all will know it. Im sure Im not missing too much anyway. I have monday and tuesday off so i will be making more calles then.

I do wish that i had of got to seen goat and jono and brent befor i left and sher and i never talked to ginette too.

I should go cause im using buddys computer from next door.
But i just wanted to let you all know that things are still great here and i am working my ass off.



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