Thursday, December 22, 2005


im soo stoked about this so i will be leaving the fairmount on the 6th YEA

so i have been having soo many good times lately. karens friend april from nfld is awsome and her and i have been swimming and going for walks.

i hung out wit greg doucette the other night and scott it was such a awsome time. I cant beleive that it is christmass in a coupple of days. it so doesn't feel like it. I will miss mike and cindy on christmass. I loved being included in their christmass. oh ill miss nathan too. (thats mikes 4 year old cosin). Him and i have soo much fun together this time of year.

I want to make sure to thank everyone that has sent me packages, and cards. i picked up a million post cards and what not so i will be in touch with all ya'all soon.

oh and sarah jayne i hope you burnt me those cds, im dying out here with out music. and its sad i spend alot of time doing peoples hair and makeup because it is the only creative thing i can do out here. I cant wait to get home

24 on 4-20 will be the bigest and best party ever, i can feel it.

love you all and merry christmass.



At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is your new job???? congratulations!!!!!

At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job!! You'll have to fill me in on all the details and email me with your new address when you get it.

At 10:21 PM, Blogger Carolyn said...

the new job is at the banff center!!

I cant wait!!!!

At 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rock on Care,
I haven't forgotten about those CD's.
So happy to hear you'll be doing something more creative.
Merry Christmas!



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