Sunday, January 01, 2006

Man this has been a rough week. I feel like Banff has kicked my ass. Lastnight i was super homesick and missed everyone soo much. I even freeked out and cryed for the first time out here. ( not including my weekly housekeeping cry because the plug for my vacum fell out of the wall for the millionth time.) So tomarrow is the last day I will ever clean professionaly again.. Thank god too because I am on the verge of a big freak out.

Now i am living by my self in a room with no tv. I am going a little crazy for sure. I think the worst of it all is i have no one to talk to and way too much time on my hands. This trip has proved to be a test of sorts. I am being challanged every day, it is hard to stay strong and postive but i am doing it. I love being independent but this is a bit much. I think that things are really going to turn around in the next week. But i for sure have never been treated like this befor. And i dont like it.

I miss all my friends, hell right now i miss the people i dont like.

Im heading over to the pool and i then make my usual trip to the woods. Thank goodness the weed is so good out here, or i would have been home a month ago.

oh and damn you leah and erica for telling me about cheep tickets home. But i really feel that this is something i have to see to the end. Im sick of saying ill do something and then quiting.

I figer if i can stick this out, i can do anything from this moment on.

You are all in my thoughts.



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