Monday, June 26, 2006

ah what a long week this will be. I have soooo much work to do and sooo little time to do it. Plus i have my visitor comming. YEA I cant wait. And to top it all off im pretty much broke with rent time and all. Im not sure how i will drink for canada day and smoke for the next two weeks. I guess its quitting time again. Good enough. So my banff roomate kate will be in halifax soon so i will be getting over to see her. And i think my buddy Ian is comming over for a camping trip. And to see me in my sexy croc's that he loves sooo much. I feeling pretty overcome by all the action in my life but im keeping er as cool as possible. I seem to be getting closer to getting my shit from summerside, just a matter of time. And well i guess thats it. Im at school now and i actually have some time to hang out with sher and sare tonight. Yea. Oh and if anyone want to catch a good show come to The Guild on wendsday.

Two hours traffic rocked on Saturday. Cant wait to see them again on Canada Day.

Did you know that Canada is 139 this year. Anyone feel old when they think that Canada 125 was 14 YEARS AGO. Ok that is depressing.

Later Bitches



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