Sunday, September 08, 2002

So last year, right, 'm working at zellers and hteres this guy in toys right. And he's like somehow my dream man. He'slike hot and he's in toys.
Ok so i had this giganitic crusho n him until i realize..oh shit, he's 22. and then the next day he tells me oh shit, he lives with his girlfriend and the next day BAM FUCKING BOO he HAS A FUCKING BASBYYYYY. BAYYYBYYY.
So i'm like shit. There is no way this guy is like, cool.

p.s i'm eating fries that the macdoalds boys gave me for free
ok so right..

i meet gLEN ZELLERS BOY at the bars. Liek ahahaha. fucking i'm liike oh shit. Glen haha. So i dance my ass off with this guy adn like oh shiti'm going to browns court..oh fuckiing eh ..he's going to browns court tooo!!
so we walk from myron s to browns court with these guys fuckoing kicking christins and stealing cheese signs.

So yeah here i am. I like rapped Ian richie of his lighter in an alley. Oh wow i type d that whole sentence right.

I gotta callb rian
its 44 40 ? Will he be mad? Duhhhhhhhhhh


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