Sunday, October 20, 2002

Alright. Lets clear this up. I really really really should not have a blog. And yet i am strangley addicted to it. Its like a diary. But without hiding it under my mattress. And In my opinion I don't think what i write in here is really that off the wall. This is not the first time someone has come up to my and asked me if i was ok, because they read my website. And I desperatly try to think back about what I wrote? I'm like oh god, did I write something about them. I just have a big mouth. And there seems to be no danger in writing whatever you want on the internet. You never think it will get back to you. But it does. And I feel bad for having this false sense of anxiety or something. Everyone must think i'm fucked right out of 'er. So yeah, i've said this before, but i'll say it again to all of you. Ignore what i write. I don't write on my website when i'm out having a good time, I write when i'm bored as fuck, drunk or lonely. And therefore, people tend to worry about me. So really spend time worrying about people who deserve more worry. Although school and life gets to me sometime, I have amazing parents, a decent job, and awesome friends who unnessarily worry about me. Yeah, so Thanks Tyler for you drunken concern.

Love Ya's


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