Monday, January 27, 2003

Sarah i do agree with you compleetly
nice post

well that was quite a night on saturday. talk about DRUNK. i fell off of reds bed when i got home.

i am having a laid back night just some laundry and some joe millionair. this week will be hard cause i am broke and my next check has to go to rent. today at work my boss was real nice to me and said alot of reall good things about me. i had a thought today about how increatiably happy i am. there is nothing that i can complain about. money maybe but that is not really important. i am truly blessed, and i think that i can only see that because of all my past missfortune. i am truly happy to be alive and i aprricate everything that i have, every friend i have and every great thing that has happened to me in the last year. this has been the pest year of my live and i owe it all to certin people. i think you know all who you are. some times i think that i might bust with happyness. and i cant tell you how good that feels. i have never felt like this before. and i do ever want it to go away. i want to run away to a place where time has no effect. and stay 20 forever. its a shame that i cant. i was talking to my grammy today and she is doing sooo much better. and that is great. i dont know what i would do with out her. that thought scares me. so i wont think about it. anyway i dont think that this post makes alot of sence im just letting by brain flow out.
should go now


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