Hey CAROLYN! Thanks for deleting the post Tuna wrote about me being hot. Things like that don't happen very often. and now i've lost the proof.
But all is forgiven because you are the biggest party animal I have ever met.
Carolyn sherri, erica rachel Leah and I decided to do a little drinking at Cares last night. Just for shits and giggles. You know. So we are sitting around, getting pretty drunk and a little rambunciousn (wrong spelling but the appropriate word). So we decide to head down to Melons. Get in free and dance for a 1/2 hour or so. I don't think we expected to be there for the full 2 hours. Nor did we expect carolyn, to shoot 4 shots of Crown Royal (assisted by James) to the Lime in da coconut song minutes before we left. But it was awesome. I was like tired as hell on the dance floor and I was like, lets go sit down, and the song would transition to another one, of course one that carolyn LOVED, and she'd get her 89th wind. Seriously. There is nothing like having a friend who is a party animal. I have never heard carolyn utter the words, "ya know guys, i don't feel like drinking, i'm kinda tired, just go without me".
If i was with anyone else i would have had a bad time. But oh, never with Carolyn. If we are have a bad time at the bars, we just take off and go dance in the middle of all the snobs who think they're hot. And ya know, just flail. Flail like you''ve never done before. Carolyn is more creative. But flailing is key.
Anyways enough about our awesomeness.
Let er RIP!@!!
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