Sunday, February 16, 2003

i am officially the envy of all girls. i got a carebear. na na na na na na!!!! got totaly smashed lastnight and had a kick ass time with the girls. missing was sherri because she is a big fucking party pooper, and she sucks. im am feeling like compleet shit right now. and holly fuck could it be any colder outside, really though? lots of interesting thinks going on online lately. you all know that i have oppions shooting out my ass on that topic but all i can do is bite my tonge because i love bob to much to bother saying anything. and im not in the mood for shit to hit the fan, today anyway. oh man i cant wait till you are home JEFF. ah the fun we will have!!!!!! you are lucky my brian is not working right now. oh man im fucked, im going back to bed!!!!!

fuck you


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