Monday, February 03, 2003

Yeah Right. Like I know what the fuck i'm talking about. Pffffft.

Haha So right. 19 is so much better than being 18. The weekend before last was my birthday party. Then on wednesday Holly and I were supposed to go out but she was busy so I went to dooly's with Care, Mike and Zain for some terrible pool (remind me not to do that again). Then friday was Shawn Cahill's 20th b-day. We celebrated Friday and then again on Saturday. I went to myrons, unfortuantly no one seemed to be drunk enough but I had a Rev and a free lime and vodka once i got there that got me going. It was good fun. Even if i'm having the shittest time ever. I always find that if me and carolyn take off and just start dancing our asses off, we always have a good time.

It was weird though, now that i'm 19. I dunno. I was talking to Shawn's little sister who will be 19 in march. And I seriously feel like sooo much older than her, but really i'm only 2 months. Its weird. I just feel old for 19.

So I don't know Kids. I feel like Tacos. I feel angsty. I'm not busy enough, and now i'm throwing a stick in my spokes just to fuck myself up.

Me and Zain painted my mirror last night. Its perdy.

got any joints?


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