Saturday, January 07, 2006

So now i am at the Banff Centre.

I dont start work until Tuesday which sucks. I am super low on cash and i dont get paid here till the 30th. I have one more check from the springs on thursday. I guess it is time to quit smoking again. So my new place is cool. Weird kinda but good. There are commen rooms on the floors with TV's in them and it is a great place to meet new people. The people here seem nicer, i cant wait to start the new job.

I get a roomate on Tuesday too. I hope she is cool.

THANKS GIRLS for sending me out all the great stuff!! I love my new PJ pants and the scarf is really nice too. I have already wrote 2 letters on my fancy new stationary. If you want me to write you a letter leave me your mailing adress.

I Dont have my new Phone Number or Address with me. But there is a computer in the Staff Lunch room so i will post it later.

I think that im going to go to some comtempary dance thing tonight at the theater here.



At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sarah lecky
242 north river road
charlottetown, pei
c1a 3l7


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