Thursday, April 13, 2006

man i was negative yesterday after work. That Shawn Murphy thing was going on, and this drum circle thing too. So there was some problems. I went and left a nasty message on sher's cell and was just generaly nasty lastnight. I blame it on what i ate yesterday, when i eat garbage nothing but garbage comes out of me. Today is a better day. I have a meeting with a councler to help me get all my funding shit on the go. And im just now about to go up to Jono's place for a afternoon hang out. I love my unemployed friends. Well i hope to do something fun tonight. I know i said i wouldnt drink till my b-day but i really want to tonight. Just a bit anyway. I still have had no luck reaching my Kory. and i miss her soooooooooooo much. I love that girl. I look at all my going away presents every day. I cant wait to get back to school and get my mind off of how much i miss the mountains.



At 6:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn Glad to see you made it home in one piece... I had my doubts some days from reading your blog. glad you had a good time out there ,sorry you are missing it right now but once you get busy here things will feel better. I hope to get to that beautiful Island this summer. Sending hugs!!!!

At 7:16 PM, Blogger Carolyn said...

susan i hope to see you this summer and thanks for your comment



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