Tuesday, August 06, 2002

I am throwing the biggest fucking fit right now.
I work all god dmaN FUCKING day so i that I can be broke all of the fucking time. All the fucking time. FUUUUUUck. So i freaked out at work in the freezer fucking throwing shit around swearing my face off. Then someone tells me its raining. I had the convertalbe at work, and the roof doesn't go up and it was pppppouring so i had to drive home in the rain. So when I get home i fucking run around slamming door and just freaking right out crying and screaming and crying. I called my mom she drove me back to work. And everyone at work is like..oooh sarah, whats wrong, all fucking conserned and nosey. Then my stupid boss is like, ya know what I think is wrong with you sarah. She's like ever since Jeff broke up with you, it seems like that took the wind out of your sails. ANd i'm like what the fuck? Why would you say that? ARe you trying to make me feel worse. What the fuck do you want me to do about that? And like get out of my business. I don't want my boss bugging me about that. JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE WOULD YA.


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