Saturday, March 01, 2003

yea hey. so it has been a long week but everything seems to have settled down now and i think that it is all over. ah verry nice. i had a awsome coupple of times out in the past bit, just shitty things have happened after. but all in all good times. my dad called out of the blue today. it was nice to chat. i think that it is impossible for sarah and i to have a bad time at the bar. i am like not even going to go out while she is away cause like its not worth it. but you all know ill be out it just wont be the same. oh im trying to stay calm about this whole you leaving sare. but its hard, i just dont know what im going to do without you. it will just be care, air and sherr and thats just not right. you will be well missed even though you wont be gone for long. i love you my "little friend" Sarah-Jayne.
anyway enough sappy shit.
and remember LET ER RIP.


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