Monday, April 17, 2006

Ah this is me and my Kory on St Pattys day. I finially got ahold of her. Ohh i miss her. Well i start school on wendsday, hopefully it will smarten me up because i have been misbehaving to say the least.

Oh fuck the picture wouldnt work ill post it later.. I have to get down to tracys for some well needed chats.



At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any big plans for your birthday yet?? Maybe we could do lunch on Thursday, if you can?? Hope you're still planning on partying though cause I got Thursday and Friday off!

At 5:36 PM, Blogger Carolyn said...

we are going to pat and willys on thursday night and them im not sure what. Its strange that i havent planed more but im sure there will be some good times had by all.


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