Monday, April 01, 2002

God, I hate school. With a passion. And work. Work was so dead tonight(i work at zellers) and at 9:50 we make an annoucment that our store will close at 10 so bring all your shit to the 10:05 like 4 old ladies come to my cash and i am the only one there since it was so dead..the gates are all half closed since we were supposed to close 5 minutes ago and all these damn ladies came was FUCKING seniors day...and every one of them had arthritis in their hands..and i impatiently waited for them to get their shit together with their shakey little hands and it was driving me by the 4th old lady i was getting her digging out her change myself. It nearly killed me to sit there and watch them slowly find their club Z card which they needed for the 2 bucks worth of panty hose they bought.
On another note, i had to answer this huge survey from statistics canada, because they are tracking a bunch of people born in 84, like i had to do it from grade 7 on...every 2 years i had to answer a survey in school....anyways they finally track me down..and i willingly do the survey (because i once was a telemarketer) and the damn survey took 50 minutes. They asked me what i ate last whether i strongly agreed/agreed/disagreed/ or strongly disagreeed with the new color of fruitloops. It was insane.

Well since noone on dirtydozen or internetkings has written yet about the fireworks/cops/stashing of illegal things i will. It was funny. Fireworks were cool, cops were a little scarey, stashing and throwing was hilarious. Good times. Way to go Jeff, Goat, Bob and Shawn.


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