Sunday, April 28, 2002

So whats been up? Well I had a busy weekend helping Carolyn move her shit from King St. To Browns's Ct so that was cool. Her apt is awesome, i foresee many good times. Well even already good times are occuring. Yeah, A lonely couple days. And tirering. I've been waking up and sleeping all weekend. Thats it. Well actually I started working at M &M Meats today. Its not a bad spot. I work 12-6 almost everyday, but hell, i don't have to get up early nor do stay late, so i have it good both ways. I finish at Zellers on saturday. Yeah. Zellers was cool but fucking retarded at the same time. The post before this was a song by Crimpshrine an 80's punk band just so you know. A remix of the sun will come out tomorrow. Yeah so, I'm around. Everyone call me, 892-4776. I'd like to hear from you.


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