Tuesday, September 24, 2002

So ZAIN says I have to be more clear on my page. Say names, and talk about people openly if i'm going to talk about them at all. Which makes sense but i think i'd get my ass kicked more if i wasn't so vague. So ZAIN, is the coolest guy around, and he stores things in his underwear.

So i'm walking home tonight. Well sulking home more like it. Crazy and wet and tired and hungry with a heavy kitbag and a bad attitude. And i'm almost home, up by spring park school and this red car pulls over. I figure they are gonna ask for directions so i walk over to the car as she rolls down the window. And she's like Do you want a drive? and i was like no thanks, i'm almost home. And she's like well i saw you in the rain and i felt bad for you. And i was like thanks anyways i apprecaiate it. and I started walking and turned around and this huge black truck like squeels and like does a 180 on the road right behind me. It was crazy. Nice lady though.


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