Thursday, May 02, 2002

Allright. So this blogger can lick my ass. It keeps deleting blogs I make. And I only make one or two a month, so its really pissing me off. So What is new with me? Lets see. I had an excrutation long walk yesterday. But I liked it. I walked around with Jeff for like 5 hours. WE went bowling, we went to his place, we went to just juicin', we went back to bowling, we went to the mall (girly stores), then to soccer stores and book stores for Jeff, then we walked home. Then when i got home, my dog was having a fit so me and Jeff went and played with him for 20 minutes in the back yard, and then 20 minutes later i took him back out again. So after that i was supposed to go to Aerobics with Jade and i just could hack it. I called her up, thankfully she wasn't in the mood for aerobics either, so we rescheduled for monday. Hopefully i'll be revitalized for monday.
I'm going to start to TRY to be nice. There has only been one person in my life who I was really honestly mean to, and liked it. And although that brought me great pleasure for the last few months, I think i'll try to be nice again. I'll try.
Also, my back is killing me.
So I have to work at Zellers tonight, which sucks. But, its my SECOND LAST shift. And its not too bad. I don't really feel trapped. I feel free. I'll be free from the mall soon. The worst part about working in the mall, is that you never wanna go in it on your time off. I stay clear away from the mall. But now i can go back freely. YEAh.

iN OTHER BAD neews. My dad expects me to put away 60-70% of my paycheck for school next semester. I had it good first semester when my dad paid for everything. Now Its gonna suck. I highly doubt i''ll save that much. but i'll save more than nothing. Which is better than last year.

Can I get a HELL YEAH?


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