Sunday, June 23, 2002

Well holly fucking shit Hello.

i cant even remember the last time i posted. well im shure alot has changed since then. i still cant spell though, so bare with me. things are good, i am having the time of my life. good friends and even better times. although some friends that i am missing havent been around so much. i guess these are weird times. but the summer is young, and so are we.

i had like the best time Ever last night. the evening went smashingly. i was totally drunk(i know its crazy but true) and i had a kick ass time. my buddies from work were there and Big Red and the Mikes. things went really well with everyone and i couldn't be happyer. im realizing that know one even knows any of these people or really what im doing and i dont really know whats going on with anyone else. but i suppose things change. dont they. that makes me sad.



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