Thursday, March 06, 2003

Hello Again.

I had a pretty fun night last night. Me and Brian made a mean feed of Spagetti with meat sauce and garlic bread. Yummy. We walked down to Queens and got our tickets for the super semi. Then we went down to Craigs where they worked on the potato cannon for a bit. Now you have to see this thing. Its a 4 barrelled gun, its got nails in each barrell which are connected to wires which is connected to a barbeque ignition thing. When you hit the ignition there is a spark in the barrell. (It was very interesting watching this all come together). So you jam a potato (I've heard innumberable potato jokes about islanders in the last 2 days) down one of the barrells. Then you put propane, yes propane, in the other side, cap the end. We took the gun out to the pier down the road, it was me, the builders (Brian, Sharone, Criag, katie and Jamie) and some observers, Chris, kevin, his girlfriend and John. Anyways so it was all quite humerious loading the propane in, everyone runs like 15 feet as craig gets ready to shoot it. And you should see it fly.

So after thats all done, Kevin, his gf and John leave, and then Craigh, Katie and Jamie(Jamie is 6 foot 6) in the front seat, and Brian, Me, Chris and sharone all in the back seat of Craigs Cavilier. We drive through town to The Brass ( a bar) to celebrate. The get pitchers of beer and I get some fruity drink, they don't have cloudy days or bahama mama's. We sat around and chatted (these people are seriously hilarious especially craig, sharone and chris) and drank and they ate like 8 pounds of peanuts. They are all pretty horny with weird inside jokes including "my wang" and "the clit" neither having anything to do with anything sexual. Sharone ate the raw potato that was shot out of the cannon.

Anyways it was pretty fun. They were all pretty pumped because the cannon worked. There is a big event for this on friday wehre the grand prize is 400 bucks. Everyone gets drunk at ritual and uses propane to shoot potato's. It should be dangerous/fun.

Anyways, I still miss you all.
write to me.



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