Monday, February 20, 2006

Back to life, Back to reality.

This sucks. I now realize that I have to come home and put my life back in order and go to school again. Which means dealing with HRDC and all the moving stress. I have enjoyed not thinking about the mess i left behind, now I have to think about it again. I am sure that things will work out.

So I am comming home soon. Id say the last week of march. There are too many things that must be done and I will not do them here. I cant screw my self over. I have already been in contact with school and HRDC and I have started to look into a student loan.

AHHH Responsilibities SUCKS!!!!!



At 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Growing up sure sucks, right Care??

At 7:04 PM, Blogger Carolyn said...

True Dat!!

At 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Care, got an email from Karen, we can get out of the trip by signing a form, but we have to write a major paper instead. lol, Awesome,,,so that's good, $1500 to go to Montreal is a major rip, and besides we can get drunk all week while everyone is gone, haha, or we can write our paper, or we can do both at the same time. Peace out, sorry i missed ur call i will try u again soon! Love Lily


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