Friday, May 09, 2003

So Tonight I went to a DragQueen show at the Delta. Tickets were 10 bucks. So we had trouble gettting a good seat. But the queens were tall so it was ok. They lipsynced songs and danced and stuff. One of them was this tiny beautiful dragqueen and sang Britney Spears. The lead queen ELECTRA did a song and pulled melons out of her bra and put them in some cereal which she later ate. Priceless.

So after the concert, they moved the chairs so everyone could dance. Erica's Dad and his friend show up and Me carolyn, erica, leah, shawn, erica's dad and friend get up on the dance floor. Now please picture, groups of the typical lesbian short haired, fat, and homely dancing around us. Tons of men in leather, lots of chaps. WOOO. And then there is the group of us, the girls, shawn and erica's dad & friend dancing away on the floor to 'Celebration'. It was quite the night ladies and gentlemen.

So last weekend, the boys first night of freedom, we all (Carolyn, Bob, Goat, Brent, Erica, Rachel,Leah, Me) went out to myrons. Drunk off vodka and sour cream and bacon chips. We danced our asses off and the usual 2 hours seemed to fly by and I was very disappointed to have to leave. Fortunatly, a long walk, some seriously shoe/meter kicking later, we get back to the boys place for more partying. Rachel 'the firecracker' keeps dancing non stop while we are there. Leah and I take a short trip to steal FISHCAKES and THECONE. The boys start dropping like flies, so we are off to cares, for yes, more partying.

After walking halfway there, presumably getting the cold I still have now, we get a lift the rest of the way to Care and Er's. There is a tad more partying, mostly on Rachel's part, but the party disperses and I go home. I arrive home, at 5:22 am.

I can't sleep because of the sound of birds chirping and the sun coming in my window.

So this weekend I though. Man, I am so not going out. There is no way that I will have near as much fun as I had last weekend. Our original plan was to just go hang at the boys for a while. (THeBOys- Jeff, Goat, Bob and Tyler). But alas the only boy at THeBOys is Jeff. So off we go to Myrons, again, to find the rest. We get there at 10:03, and the asshole bouncer says we have to pay, but Jill, a distant aquaintance lets us in for free cause we said we were only staying for a "few minutes". Which we had orginally planned. "I promise Sherri, we'll only stay for like 10 minutes"-Sarah.

So like an hour later, we get this kick-ass booth, (seats at myrons are hard to come by). We are having a rockin' time with freshly home Payne. Our fun time was QUADRUPLED by Goat buying us Cloudy days (You just walk up and say Cloudy Day???-Goat) and Bob buying us lime and vodkas. This gives us the incentive and the drunkess to say for DANCING. Well, at least Carolyn, Leah and I. So we go up stairs for dancing. Had an awesome time. Bob and Goat thanked me numberous times from saving them from the fat/ugly chicks. I gave Goat a subtle YANK of his arm out of the socket. Although I did not save Payne, he looked like he was having a good time.

So a grad shirt, a visit to sherri's, and a chilly walk later we arrive at TheBOyS. There has been a passing out of mass proportions. Mainly by just visiters of the boys, not the boys themselves.

1 call to my favorite boy, Brian, and Carolyn and I get a free drive home.

In conclusion, when you are unemployed(Me) or broke (Carolyn) you can still have an awesome time, if you've got some kickass friends.


Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Brian bought me a big bag of smartfood popcorn to aid me in getting well (I have a cold).

Sweet eh?