Ahhhh It is the most beautiful day today!!! Im off. I spent the afternoon on a lawnchair out side listing to music and reading. We are going to have a BBQ tonight. Man this sucks I really do love it here. But at the same time I cant wait to get home. I am starting to get soo stoked about school, I love what i take sooo much.
So St Patricks Day was awosme. Korys parents were in town and brought us all sorts of St Pattys day stuff. We looked hilarious. We had such a awsome time. Oh so i have a boyfriend out here now, not really though. He is this faboulously gay flute player from poland, but he tells me every day that he loves me. We hang out all the time, its soo cute. We are always snugglin and talking in front of the fire. Its really funny. I love my gay boyfriend. I will miss him.
Ok well thats all I have to say today. I hate that im inside right now so i must get back to my lawnchair.
Oh it sucks Melissa's mom was intown she left a message for me but kept saying today and not what day she was in town. Oh and the Thompsons were here to see me but i wasnt working and missed them.
Cheers. I hope it is a beautiful spring day on the island.