Wednesday, October 15, 2003

ever cool!!!!

mike just called me at work alll excited. him and a few friends from work are going to fly up to monteral next weekend for free. one of the guys has his pilots lisense and so there off. and i guess that they are renting some super cool car and are just going to have the awsomest time ever. i love it when mike is excited you cant help but get excited too. he is so cute. so this does mean that i will have to go three days without him but i will servive. but miss him lots and i want presents when he gets home. hahahahahha. hey i just thought of something i will have the car for 3 days hahahahah yea!!!!

anyway is 8 so im getting the fuck outa here.
but that is prety cool.

I take on too much. i try too hard. its exasting me. relax, take it easy. take a break care. this weekend will be my relaxing weekend that involves getting trashed with my friends and there better be loads of dancing. i need it. this job suckes the life out of me. and i hate when mike is working till 1 i feel like we just pass by each other all week. i cant fall asleep when he is not there. i dont like it. so tonight i have to lugg my old bed to the curb and the old dressers too. that should be fun. then i will attempt to go to bed early again. i bet it wont work. please come saturday. please


Tuesday, October 14, 2003

you hurt my feelings. thats not cool!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2003

happy thanksgiving everyone

well i think that i am finialy getting things in order around here. i got alot of stuff from my gram and i have spent the last week trying to get all the stuff put away. my bedroom looks great. the whole place has really come a long way but there is still alot of cleaning to do. but im not going to worry about that. i herd that i am in demand around town so i guess that i will have to please the public and go out this weekend. so be on the lookout for me ill be all decked out and ready to go. im feeling alot better lately but i think that i have been takeing my sorrow out on mike. i have been hard to get along with. but i hope that will all change.

see you all this weekend