Friday, December 02, 2005

so this has been a week of mixed emotions, like sometimes im soo lonly. housekeeping has been hell, i near walked out like 3 times this week. i just have alot of time to think and i dont do a whole lot so it can make a peson a little mad. But then on the bighter side of things i had a infomal meeting with the marketing dude at the Banff Arts Center and it went really well. so hopefully i will have a good new job. That will be the best thing ever, because i want to get some kick ass experience out here.

Its soo strange for me out here i feel like a loser most of the time because all i can talk about is school and my friends, some of the stories are of corse long and not nearly as funny to anyone else. I find myself border line shy, which has never happened to me befor. It is strange. I guess i am just really centered on my future jobs and just life in gereral. I just cant wait to be home and back to school. I guess i just dont feel 23 out here compaired to other 23s , im more like the kinda neardy 29 year old or something. Whatever though i dont care what they think, im not about to let anyone get me off track.

I was talking to a few of you in the past few days, it has been nice. I would love it sooo if some people would try to call me. I beleive that it would help soo much with the lonlyness. and for those of you who said that you were sending me shit i hope i get it soon. I need more shit from a

well i must go im about to watch the grinch with ry and sp. i dont have to clean rooms tomorrow.

