Friday, July 29, 2005

This is called "Almost Overnight Lupines" Its nice ah? The paintings are on display at the Gallery At The Guild.

This one is "Rolling West" i just grabbed it off the net but isnt it unreal. I Love It!!!! I want to own it!!

I Guess this Arts Guild Shit is rubbing off on me. Oh and Chucky Danger Rocked!!

See you all at TOGA right? I think this is going to be the best year yet, plus there will be no sitting on the hill listening to "people" cry. NO DRAMA THIS YEAR!!! I cant wait!!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Ha Ha this is soo funny. I am so totaly smashed and liz looks like she is totaly uncomfortable. ha ha this is great. Im just checking out all the pictures that mike has taken I have never seen these. ha ha again.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Hey so i just emailed all my girl friends to come to belly dancing class tomarrow night. I think that it should be a hell of a laugh. Plus i heard the bigger the belly the better the dancer so i should be the best belly dancer ever!!

Oh and if anyone is interested im comming down to the arts guild tonight for the chucky danger band, come on down!!

Later bitches