Saturday, May 13, 2006

i want to kill right now, im really not that bad but ahhhhh.

well its friday and im listining to high and dry and i am happy~!!

I want to be different but i will behave tonight

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

AHH it feels soo good to be in my new place. I love the view!! I feel like when i was away i was imersed in Banff and now im on top of Charlottetown. I love waking up and looking out the window, this little town is soo beautiful!! I am still not organized but i feel it comming. I am behind on some of my school work but my test marks are all 90's still. Work has been rediclously busy, but i love it. In Flight Saftey was awsome!! I am leaving for montreal on monday morning at 6am. I still cant beleive that im going. Thanks again uncle charlie!! I want to get up to summerside this week and get all my stuff out of Mikes parents place. I never realized how much is there, and i feel really bad about it now. Well today i dont work so im going to get caught up on all the assignments i have to do. OHHH but this week is sooo sad. My cutie crush Ry is moving at the end of this week, and i am soo bummed!! I will miss hanging out with him at work all the time. Why do it have a thing for redheads? haha.

well back to work.

I dont have a phone yet but if anyone wants to stop by im at 40 kent apt#61.
