Monday, May 22, 2006

Im spending the day @ School today, just catching up on some assignments that i fell behind on. Lily is here with me so its not soo bad. Montreal was just fantastic, i really enjoyed the conference and found it very informational. Plus it is just so fun being in a big city, taking the subway and flying. We also went to this dance club with a revolving dance floor!!! I was so stoked about it. So now is the official kick off of me finding a balance for work and school. I have made getting organized my main priority. I am still being really positive despite all the negative people i see everyday. I feel soo happy and more alive and mentaly sound than i have been in years. I am busyer than a 10 peckered crow, but it feels good. My dollars seem to be streching far and my drinking has been less, i just have to stop buying mass quanities because i just drink it all. I need to get my belongings from up at Mikes mom's place. And i am a little sad that my sister is moving to rustico. But other than that i really cant complain about anything. I really enjoy my work, school and apt and the single life is alot more fun than i thought it would be. I love the fact that i dont have to answer to anyone, my life is just that mine, to do what ever i want to do. I feel so happy to be young and alive and living in one of the most beautiful places in the world, for the summer. Oh if anyone has a lead on a couch i could really use one. AND my new phone number is 367-7695!!! Call me.

Wooo Hooo
I love everything!!!
