i just droped off a bunch of resumes today.
i sooo badly need a new job. but it sucks at the same time because i actually like my job. but my bosses crazyness has become to much for me to take. she has completly lost her mind and now she is making me loose mine too. i also find that my extream unhappyness with my job has effected my personal releationships. i have been short tempered and distent from those i love. i think that this new job will be the change i need. and hopefully it will be some more money too. im just sooo sick of living pay check to pay check. and i dont care if i have to work some nights. thats when i spend all the money anyway.
i think that i have just go a case of the winter blahs. which im sure you are all feeling. i need some thing exciting to happin. i am totaly going out next weekend and im going to have the time of my life. and i dont care if i have to go to melons by myself i am dancing like iv never danced before. i need too.
so anyone can give me a call if they are up for some dancing too.
later care