Friday, September 06, 2002

Brians phone was supposed to be hooked up on Monday. And if its not hooked up when I get home tonight, my arms and legs are going to fall off and i'm going to die. Seriously.

Well i went to david usher, Yee -Fucking- Haw. Everyone was soo drunk, Including Jon Gillis who told me 3 times that his sister likes beer. And that he told his mom. He just laid in my backseat asking where we were. What a cat.

So far school sucks. I skipped today. My 3rd day of classes. I'm just not into it. I'm sad, And Jealous. I hate being jealous. I hate being sad. I found my glasses I had lost a while ago. They were smushed under my eggshell thing on my bed. Shitty. I had to make my parents buy me a new pair. So i'm not going to tell them. Good idea.

Anyways Fuck you all.

Thursday, September 05, 2002

I don't know whats wrong with me now. I'm frazzled. I feel uncomfortable. I want someone to rub my back and tell me things are ok. Nothings really wrong I just want to know things are ok. I'm sick as hell. I've got a nasty lung build up thing. And I know i'm sick cause i'm hot. If you know me well, you know i'm always cold. And this damn cold is steaming me right up. I just wanna sit home and watch a movie with someone. I wanna squeeze onto my little couch and hold onto each other so we both don't fall off. I like pet names. Not like Rover or anything, Like Pumpkin or Cupcake. Maybe its cause i'm a girl.

I'm in a slump. Frazzled. And Tired.

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

you're so crazy
enough in a way that I'll probably say
you destroyed me

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

So yeah. Since my ID is super fabulous great and specacular then so am I. Sherri is attempting to work herself into a good ID. I feel bad though. Me and Sherri are only a few days apart (Sherri was born a week before me) so we always stuck together as the "underagers". Now i have left the group and now am able to be a myrons hoe and I feel bad that she can't. But hopefully she will. Cause Sherri is great at the bars. Good times. And Soon rachel will be 19 and she can attract all the boys to us. Yeah so thats the plan. I'm so relieved I can finally go to the damn bars. Not that I'm going to go every weekend (well maybe for the first little bit) but just because i always couldn't. And now I can. So now I can choose. And its nice. And I always missed out on fun stuff and stories. Anyways hooray for me. I don't wanna jinx it.

Sweet someone just calling who is going to buy my chemistry book! She bartered me down to 70. But thats ok. I wanna get rid of it. Alright well anyways I gotta go. Brian got his phone today and i'm excited to talk to him. We are totally melodramatic about this whole seperation thing. But I miss him. It sucks when your best friend moves away. It'll be ok once his long distance plan comes into effect.

Anyways Love you All

Sunday, September 01, 2002

Oh god, I think I threw out my back. I am in bad shape and in desperate need of a back rub. Sundays are lonely. Ya know, Mondays are probably lonely too. I can't wait till tuesday...

So yeah. I don't really have anything to say. Just writing for my own amusement I guess. Pass the time cause I am so fucking damn bored. I don't wanna be bored. Bored=lonely. And I don't wanna be that either. Oh so very bored.


Its 4.25 in the morning. I'm Tired. I went to the bars. My Id woarked no problem. I'm very Tired. Lots of old people, and lots of hands. Gross. Hands. Anyways danced my face right off, And my arse. I'm face/arseless. It was a good time. THe bars arent long enough. Its 4.27. I wanted to sleep in my own bed so I came home. I bought a shirt for 3:50. It was cheap but looked good. GOOD. I got some orange juice and my dad asked what happened. I wish I could go visit you. The bars are lonely. Everyone is too lold. Or ugly. Chug Chug Chug. g;night.