Saturday, June 13, 2009

I for some reason the other day thought of good old and i said to myself i am going to start to blog agian! Soooo here we go..............

wow I cant even beleive that the last time i was posting i was still in college, 2005 i guess. Now 4 years later, I feel like i am different, thank god! But there was something about that year that i started college and the winter i spent in banff, and the demise of Mike and Carolyn that seemed to start a sort of spirtural or personal journey that has made me into the person i am today. I started thinking differently or perhaps stoped thinking soo much that year. I started to life in the Now, sometimes too much in the now if that is possible. The past and the future dont have heavy influnce on me anymore and for that i am truly thankful. I do feel i am still that same old gal just happier, healthier... and maybe even just a little bit craizer! But crazy in a good way ;)

One thing is for sure i still cant spell or have any english skills, so bare with me would you?
