Wednesday, May 21, 2003

so i put my two weeks in at the daycare. im going to work at m&m meats again. the daycare gives me alot of shit (i mean that in so many more ways than one) so im happy to get out of there. but at the same time im so sad to be leaving the kids. its crazy because i was one of there main providers. i spent more time with them then there parents and to me i know these kids so well. i taught them how to walk, ive taught them the abc's. one of the greates feeling there is, is when a baby says youre name for the first time. i guess what im saying is that i will miss the kids. every one of them.

gracie,aaron,tristin,sidney,abby,bila,kyle,david,cormac,lauren,cole,,jacob d,,jacob m, jacob lund, jonah, molly, hannah, dylan, emma, briaden, jared and anthony, chloe, caitlyn, cole, natalie and hannah, nikkie, mathew, nathan, travis and jannele, derek and leah, andrew and allison, tyler, brittney, big kyle


Tuesday, May 20, 2003


I know a guy named George. And he's cool as a cucumber.

Please dont' take him to the pickle farm.

Sunday, May 18, 2003

well hello everyone out there

so far the summer has been great. im looking forward to many more awsome times. im loving this whole guys being single thing. bob called me 2 times this week just cause he hadn't talked to me in a coupple of days. we made a date to watch STAR TREK NEMESIS but with near tears i found out that it does not come out till tuesday. and i cant watch it tuesday because it is the last 24. im going to miss it so much when it is gone. so now im down at the boys haveing some good goat and carolyn time. some times it scares me how much goat and my lifes are alike. it really sucks that mike is working till 1 like for the next two weeks. im going to miss my baby. mike is so great i really am so happy with him and i cant wait till we have our own place it will be so nice to have some where that feels like home. it will be nice to have a christmass and stuff like that. mike is the greates boyfriend ever. i brought him some nuggets and fries to work today. he enjoyed them. well lets see what else is new. oh yea erica sprained her ankle lastnight when she fell down the stairs at myrons. i think that it is pretty funny. well goat has distracted me with tetris so i have to go.

bye bye. oh man i am going to spend the whole day in bed tomarrow . i cant wait

oh and sarah's ass is pretty fucking funny. poor girl
